How to motivate your team

Increase team productivity and happiness


Clearly define your goal

Everyone who wants to succeed, needs to set goals first. Set smart goals that motivate you. SMART means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound. To make the goal realistic write it down.


Find the best way to achieve the goal: Make an action plan

Write down individual steps and then cross each one off as you complete it; you'll realize that you are making progress towards your ultimate goal. Write snippets, what your next step is, how your plans are going, what you have done, etc.



It is important to communicate openly with each other, to share ideas, opinions and thoughts. Also, it is essential to keep track of progress and to work together efficiently on tasks. Be clear about tasks, so everyone knows their specific responsibility, otherwise they can't effectively complete an assignment. Be open and honest with your team members. Avoid unnecessary and useless meetings. It is more important how well you communicate than how often, also known as the principle of quality, not quantity.


Create a good connection with your employees

Give them room to grow because your success depends on the success of others. Be a respectful, honest, and supportive manager. Listen carefully to your team members and think about what they said and what they think.


Support creativity

New ideas, innovation and creativity are the must-have for every project and you need to encourage it. Every discussion about different ideas may be helpful to improve and focus on the right path. Team members bring diversity to the effort to solve a problem, reach a goal, improve the process, create something new and exciting. They are able to constantly examine and continually improve their processes, practices and the interaction of team members.


Give them additional responsibility

They need to be sure that you believe in them. Then, team members are giving their best and feeling they’re really responsible for something important.